Friday, May 1, 2009

What is Google Docs?

Hello everyone!
On Wednesday during our English class with Sarah, we learned about a new Web tool (another one!) called Google Docs (I guess these Google fellows have found the right way to make money!). I had never heard about Google Docs before Wednesday, and I must say Sarah's lessons are very useful because we keep on discovering new things! Anyway, I've done some search on the Internet and I've learned that Google Docs enables one to create new documents from scratch or by using a template, and then store and organize them as one likes. The application accepts different formats, such as DOC, XLS and RTF. Documents can then be viewed and edited by more than one person at the same time. However, not everyone can have access to your documents. As a matter of fact, Google Docs is an invite-only service. This means that only people you have sent an invitation to will be able to view and edit your documents, sharing them with other invited users only.
Last but not least, once you have created a document, guess where you can post it? Surprise, surprise.... on your BLOG!!!! It's great for bloggers like us, isn't it?
I believe this application could be very useful to any kind of learners, especially in those cases in which these are required to do group works and complete a task together. As a matter of fact, students using Google Docs could easily share documents relevant to the task they need to complete, and all work on their task at the same time. This would certainly facilitate the whole thing and make them save a lot of time!!! Wouldn't that be fantastic?
Honestly I don't know if I'm going to use Google Docs a lot in the future, but it's been worth learning how to use it anyway!
Bye now!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Serena!
    Hope you're doing well.

    Well, like I said in my other comments on your blog, your English is very good and fluent as your ideas' flow.

    I agree with your analysis on the usefulness of GoogleDocs but, unlike you, I think I'm going to use it a lot: I've lost too many usb devices so far!!! :)

    And now, some little feedback ;)

    - I would suggest you to use paragraphs: one idea for each paragraph;

    - I would have made a clickable link for 'GoogleDocs';

    - Sarah suggested to avoid the use of 'must' and limit the use of 'present perfect'. However, I know it's difficult to avoid these structures; sometimes they seem to me the only solution :) ;

    - when you say '...learners, especially in those cases in which these are required...' I would make the subordinate easier, saying 'learners, especially those who are working in group...'.

    As you can see, I did't find any real, big grammar mistake so I gave you just a few suggestions.

    Anyway, good job!

